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Sunday, 17 November 2013

Prevention of Data Stealing by Employees

Companies todays face greatest challenge to prevent employees exiting with data-stealing. Companies not only in India but also worldwide witness thefts of source codes and confidential information. What is the 'modus operandi' of stealing data and how it can be prevented by companies? Explained here:-

  • Companies provide easy access to databases for information sharing, and storage. Mobiles, removable devices like USB make it easier for the employees access, move the data.

  • Companies suffer greater consequences if the data is lost or compromised.

  • But the exiting employees defend that everybody steals and the information would be useful to them. The type of information they most likely steal is the information based on their job profile.

  • Almost all employees have access to a wide variety of electronic information which range from important to confidential information like email lists, non-financial business information, customers' data, employee records, financial records, databases with enormous company history, trade secrets, intellectual property etc.

  • Smart phones like Blackberry, iPhones & Android have enormous storage capacity and can easily be connected to the corporate email system. In short, the combination of storage and data access make the mobile communication devices an idea method of stealing data.

  • As there are technologically advanced email service providers, messenger services, social networking sites, company secrets can be leaked, data can be stolen & data can be shared. As such, it is almost impossible for the companies to totally prevent data loss.

  • As labour turnover and attrition rate is high nowadays in almost all companies, employees keep exiting and new ones are recruited to replace them which leads to severe threat to confidential data. Then how to prevent the exiting employees from stealing vital and sensitive data? Some basic guidelines to be followed by the companies.

  • Concerned Departmental Heads of the companies should keep a closer eye on their confidential data before employees' exit in advance.

  • Companies should educate their employees that stealing confidential information is wrong, by entering into non-disclosure agreements with the employees at the time of recruitment.
  • HR Managers should ensure that exiting employees have continued responsibility to protect confidential information and should surrender company information and property without fail.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Work Stress Management

Most working people find it difficult in severing their work lives from their personal lives. This greatly affect their mind and both at their workplace and at home. How to overcome them? Explained here:

  • Some working people, particularly in IT & BPO Companies, give too much importance to the job by working extra hours and late night

  • To fully concentrate on the task at hand and work efficiently, working people should make small routines during office time like checking mail, conducting meetings etc.

  • Sharing of experiences and opinions with peers / superiors will help to overcome stress at workplace.

  • Having open communication with the superiors and getting along with them will help in overcoming at workplace.

  • To tackle stress and pressure at work and to take the mind off sometimes, breating exercises at frequent intervals can be done.

  • Physical exercise or yoga both in the morning and in the evening at least for 30 minutes will help in overcoming stress.

  • Eating right food, balanced diet and at right time will also help in overcoming stress.

  • Feeling jealous over others will keep stress level on higher side. Reducing the feelings of envy, jealousy and hate will help in overcoming stress both at workplace and at home.

Parents! Social Networks Risks for Your Children

Most children, who are in the age range of 6 to 15, using social network sites are in danger due to lack of awareness of risks. What parents are nowadays unaware of the risks of using social networks by their children and how to overcome this problem? Explained here:-

  • Parents are unaware of the latest technology and their children's activities with social networks.

  • Parents who are well-aware of latest technology should bring their children in to confidence by talking to them about the pros & cons of social networking sites.

  • It has been found that cyber bullying hurts the social network users, make them angry and depressed as children are highly sensitive and will react in unexpected ways.

  • Some children spend lot of time on social networking sites, bully others, use abuse languages, undervaluing comments about their teachers and hurting their classmates etc.

  • Children should not be allowed or encouraged to use FB, Twitter etc. at a very young age. Even if they, parents should be able to monitor their postings, likes and comments.

  • Parents themselves expose their children about the social networks and do not educate them how to use them.

  • There are some guidelines which parents can advise their children to follow to have a control over using social networks.

  • Children should not invite anybody for friendship nor they should accept unless they know anybody.

  • Parents can advise their children to use the social networks with limit as they cannot totally ban them from using social networks.

  • Parents should encourage not to get upset of negative comments / dislikes / mentally disturbing postings.

  • Neither parents nor the children who are using social networks should share their personal / confidential information.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

How to Enhance Efficiency & Productivity at Workplace?

Mastering productivity skills in the workplace empowers the employees for higher performance. How productivity can be increased? Simple tips for you:-

  • Start your day to plan for 10 minutes. List out the pending jobs (urgent / important), recurring problems and deadlines. Prioritise them. The first on your list becomes primary goal for you to complete in the morning session.

  • Always try to keep your communication short, simple and easy to understand. Know when to speak, to whom and how long? Set start and finish deadlines for the meetings.

  • Having good control over mails will increase your efficiency. You can group similar tasks together and tackle them as a block with a deadline.

  • Stop the work which you think is unproductive and concentrate on the tasks on the checklist with simple action.

  • You are having projects which are too big and complicated? Divide the in to smaller sub-projects and break them down in to individual actions and authority commensurate with responsibilities.

  • Avoid multi-tasking as it kills your productivity. Schedule and prioritise your tasks and tackle them one at a time. Focusing on one task will enable you to do a lot.

  • Start your day with distasteful task first with fresh mind. Whether to start the day with tasteful or distasteful depends upon the person.

  • Decide whether non-critical tasks like replying to emails should be completed immediately or to be postponed. Segregate the urgent and important works.

  • Do self-evaluation on daily basis before you leave workplace. Analyse what you have done better today and what changes can be made? Make sure your table is uncluttered before you leave for your home.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Pros & Cons of Communicating through Technology

We all definitely feel as if something is missing in our lives without checking our emails, sms, social networks like Facebook, Twitter etc. Our lives, as such, have completely dependent on technology to communicate, can be said, are addicted to them. Some pros and cons of communicating through technology:-

  • Communication has become fast as the same can be conveyed fast with the press of 'send' button in SMS, email and social networking sites.

  • It helps the business houses and companies to conduct meetings via Video without incurring any cost of travelling. They have reduced the consumption of stationery items like white papers as technology has helped in a number of ways.

  • Everybody is aware that Social Networks have helped us not only in strengthening relationships but also helped in connecting with our old contacts. Most of us would have definitely experienced this through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Orkut etc.

  • Conference calls and video-conferencing have helped the employers / companies to save a lot of money and helps in quick decision-making.

  • Inspite of above advantages, communicating through technology has disadvantages also. Needless to mention that it lacks interpersonal communication. The quality of speaking and writing skills have deteriorated.

  • As most people spend lot of time with electronic gadgets, social interactions have come down to a large extent. Greetings and wishes are made online in this world of texts and tweets. Nowadays, the self-esteem of a person is measured by how many people have liked / posted / commented through personal greetings.

  • Social Network users without knowing the other persons invite for friendship and most online friendships are intentional and motive-based than the true friendships.

  • Before technological advancement, people used to involve in physical activities like walking, jogging, doing yoga etc. Due to technological advancement and addiction to it, the lifestyle of people has changed which has affected their health.

  • Though emails have helped a lot in companies, the addition to emails has reached a point of organizational dysfunctionality as employees use their mail service for anything and everything.

  • Often the communication through mobiles, emails, sms etc. have failed to consider the perspective of the receiver (of the communication). This results in to misunderstandings and disputes.

  • Not only cyber crimes but also criminal offences have increased due to technological advancement. Some facebook users (mostly females) have committed suicide due to undesirable and unbearable comments by others and / or exploitation after having personal relationships through social networks.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Entrance Exams - Tips & Techniques.

Preparing for Entrance Exams? Always keep in mind what Abraham Lincoln has said, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree. I will spend the first 4 hours sharpening the axe."

After successfully completing school and graduation years, intermediate and college students start looking for various Entrance Exams in India. Some important tips and techniques to prepare for Entrance Exams here:-

  • Students should make sure that they take everything as seriously as possible.

  • Latest and updated study materials are important and students should study them thoroughly.

  • For each section, students should prepare a timetable with dedicated time hours and adhere to it.

  • To know the techniques of managing time at the entrance exams, students should try to answer previous years question papers within a specific time.

  • Students can also get advice / suggestions from their School Teachers / College Professors / Family Friends / via coaching and correspondence materials.

  • To manage the time and energy, students should make a good preparation strategy to increase the score.

  • Goal setting is most important step before preparing for entrance exams. Goals should be realistic and achievable like what to achieve? How much to achieve & in what time?.

  • Even talented students fail due to poor time management techniques. Allocating more time for difficult subejcts and less for easy ones is a right strategy. To the extent possible, students should avoid watching TVs and using mobiles. To maintain productivity and efficiency, they should involve in some physical activities like walking, yoga etc.

  • If students have joined private tuitions, they should regularly attend the classes without fail.

  • Students should be consistent for preparing for entrance exams. Do they devote 5 hours a day, they should adhere to it.

Student Counselling. Need & Benefits

Counselling is an activity or service for those who are facing some problem and who need professional help to overcome it. It is required when a person needs help and there is a person who is equipped to help him out to fulfil the needs of the deficient person. There has been an urgent need for strengthening the counselling service in schools and colleges to meet ever growing needs of the students in our country.

  • Counselling is need for the psychological problems of adolescents which bring about confusion in making their own decisions leading to inability to cope with life.

  • Due to lack of rational thinking or involvement of emotional issue, their decision- making process involves some conflict.

  • When the long held assumptions and assertions of adolescents are demolished, it leads to tension. Student counselling is a necessity as it helps the students in a number of ways.

  • It helps in their period of turmoil and confusion.

  • It helps the students in the proper choice of courses / careers and their total development.

  • It inculcates the students to accept new challenges and make new choices.

  • It identifies and motivates the students from weaker sections of society and provides equal opportunities for students who are backward and physically challenged.

  • For those who are uncertain in life about their strengths and weaknesses, there is a need for counselling at the highest level.

  • Student Counselling therefore proves to be very important to the students so that they can select right path for themselves to become happy in their lives and successful in their career.