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Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Students! Preventing Eye Strain While Studying.

Sitting at a desk or a computer screen for hours on end can be stressful for the eyes. Eye strain can simply be explained that it results when the eyes focus on a single-close-up object for extended periods of time. Here are some useful tips to prevent eye strain:-

  • While studying, take breaks in between and look at objects that are far. The eyes must be able to relax for distant and near objects. You can also relax your eyes by facing a corridor or by sitting next to a window.

  • As a regular routine, it is ideal to take at least 5 minute break after every 40 minutes of study.

  • As the eyes get tired of being anchored in a fixed position for any prolonged periods of time, you can step out of your room and take in some fresh air.

  • Schedule study sessions starting early in the morning will be better. It is found that studying in daytime is better with a far better reproducible memory.

  • Always make sure your room has adequate ambient lighting as studying in dark room leads to eye strain.

  • Some specific Blink frequently whenever you study for long periods of time. Constant blinking helps to keep eyes moist. When eyes dry up, it make you feel more tired.

  • The outcome If you need to study using laptops / computers, position it in a way so that you are not looking at the screen straight on. The top of the screen should not be higher than your eyes.

  • The brightness of the computer screen should be the same as the intensity of the lighting in the room. If needed, increase the font size for easier reading and for preventing eye strain.

  • Before the exam starts and during exam times, have the habit of having small meals, preferably non-oily ones at regular intervals. Avoid coffee and / or tea. Consumption of multi- vitamins, specially Vitamin B1 will be good for your eyes and boost your memory power.