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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Learning & Type of Learners?

Students use variety of learning methods. Suitable study skills and habits are essential for encoding information and knowledge, and retrieving the same at the right moment. Every student has his own mode of learning. Students with high visual capacities may have difficulties listening to a teacher for long hours. And, students who are high in auditory skills may not enjoy visual learning process in teh class without audio support. There are roughly three category of learners:-

  • Visual Learners: A student, who is a visual learner can learn best by looking at information through written words, actual pictures or the real scene of the learning materials. Some of the unique features of visual learning students are (a) They visually read fast and get the content by reading and viewing a presentation. (b) They love reading by themselves rather than listening to someone. (b) They learn by studying maps and figure out the location and do not depend on directions given to them. (d) They focus mainly on thoughts and may miss layout necessities such as punctuation, grammar, spelling, and language rules. (e) They sketch while listening in the class and they are better artists than orators. (f) They qualities of imagination and visualisation are higher in them. (g) Visual learners may appear to be disinterested in the class, while they actively register complicated concepts in visual file folders. (h) They may be easily frustrated with writing assignments. (i) Their problem solving capacity is superior than others.

  • Auditory Learners: The strongest learning mode for any auditory learner is hearing which is a significant aspect of the development of linguistic competence. An auditory learning student is one who best learns by listening. Such students enjoy learning when they listen to classroom lectures and group discussions. Good auditory learners tend to: (a) get distracted by noise easily (b) call someone via phone instead of any written communication. (c) remember what they hear better than what they see. (d) acquire information by listening rather than viewing. (e) express themselves by talking rather than writing. (f) follow complex sets of oral directions, and even rote information, such as multiplication tables. (g) demonstrate their work easily because they store information in a series of steps that they can retrieve easily.

  • Kinesthetic Learners: Kinesthetic student will learn by implementing the concepts physically. They benefit from experiential learning. (a) They are usually slow in writing and reading compare to the other two type of learners. (b) They use postures and gestures very often. (c) They prefer the practical part in learning rather than listening or seeing. (d) The do not enjoy sitting long hours in classroom. They benefit learning through exploration. (e) They memorise things when they are physically active. (f) They understand materials better when they are role played or acted out.