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Friday, 11 March 2016

Nightmares - What? Why?

Nightmares are generally more emotionally intense than bad dreams and is usually how they are distinguished is that a nightmare will cause the person directly to awaken because of the nature of the unpleasant images or the intensity of the emotions. Here are some ins and outs of 'nightmares':-

  • Men tend to dream of natural disasters while women dream of relationship troubles in nightmares.

  • Nightmares are relatively common and in most cases a healthy psychological experience.

  • Recurrent nightmares can be a sign of post-traumatic stress disorder or some other psychiatric health issue, but in most cases they are unrelated to mental illness.

  • Nightmares can give rise to a number of other negative emotions, including helplessness, despair, guilt and anger, allowing the mind to process these feelings as well.

  • The most common nightmare themes include insects and vermin, falling, being chased, death of family and friends, interpersonal conflict and violence, feeling an 'evil presence' and health-related concerns.

  • All dreams carry information about sub-conscious (and often sex-related) desired and fears. Disasters turned out to be a common nightmare theme.

  • Men are more likely to dream of catastrophe and men tend to have war and terriorism show up more often in their dreams.

  • The biggest problem with nightmares is usually that they can impair sleep quality and cause next-day drowsiness.

  • When nightmares are frequent and severe, the individual may suffer from nightmare disorder, which is a type of 'parasomnia'.

  • Other forms of 'parasomnia include sleep terrors, causing the person to sit up and cry out or to attempt to escape from the room, while still asleep.

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