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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Creative Time Management

Managing Time well means 'Managing Your Life' well. The most important benefit of creative time management is that it enables you to feel in control of your life.

If you feel in control of your life, you will experience less stress, more relaxed, productive, self-satisfied, and live longer. Contrarily, poor time management causes missed deadlines, unfinished projects, annoyed clients, and cancelled appointments. It also leads to heightened tension, anger, embarassment, low self-esteem, and feel mentally depressed.

To creatively manage your time, here are the fundamental principles:-
  • Be Active
    Make active decisions about how you spend your time instead of reacting to every demand on you. Decide what is important to you and say 'No' to anything that interferes.
  • Set Goals
    Set goals to know where you are going. No matter what age you are, you can develop daily, weekly, yearly, or longer-range goals to guide you. By settting goals, you can better manage your time and life today. 
  •  Prioritise Actions
    Create a plan of action. 20% of what you do will give you 80% of your results. Identify the right 20% of your activities adn make them priorities.
  • Keep Your Focus
    Maximise your productvity by concentrating on one major project at a time. Stay on track until project is completed. Simplyfy your goals, and set short-range priorities.  
  • Create Realistic Deadlines
    Realistic deadlines help keep you focused on specific long-term goals and specially on short-term priorities. Create a to-do list of projects or goals, but you also have to estimate how long it will take you to complete each task so you can specify concrete deadlines.
  • Balance Your Life
    Last principle means creating time for yourself and for those you care about - your partner, children, parents, siblings, friends, neighbours and even your pets.