Before you buy any product or avail any service, do you actively search for reviews by the existing customers? Or after you have bought any product or availed any service, have you ever written reviews? If you want to write reviews about a product or service and make the people read your reviews and trust, here are the guidelines:-
- Everybody knows no product could be perfect and no one trusts all positive reviews.
- More than half of online shoppers read user reviews for researching the product or service.
- Readers are not interested in reading lengthy paragraphs and irrelevant information. Most readers read only those reviews which are very simple, easy to understand and to the point. So be brief in short sentences.
- Readers with diverse background might be having strong technical knowledge or mighty not be. Use simple language as far as possible.
- Begin your review with the Product Make, Model, Price, Place, Merchant's Name & your expectations before buying the product.
- Write in points beginning with positive aspects of the product or service.
- Most reputed manufacturers/merchants solicit negative reviews of the product. Unbiased negative reviews will help the reader to decide whether to buy the product or not?
- While writing negative reviews, be specific about the product or service. As far as negative aspects of the product is concerned, suggest alternate product make & model and other useful information.
- Conclude your review about the product in brief - the benefits of buying the product or availing service and what it lacks.
- Before posting your review, ensure that the information you have provided is accurate and is free from 'communication overflow'.