PERT (Programme or Project Evalution and Review Technique), developed US Navy in 50's is a statistical tool and a management tool, for definining and integrating events.
- PERT is a manager's tool which defines and co-ordinates what must be done to accomplish project objectives on time.
- PERT identifies uncertainties associated with completing different activities involved in the project.
- The process of PERT begins with identifying the specific activities and ends with preparation of charts.
- PERT provides information about expected project completion time and activity start and end dates.
- There are differences between PERT & CPM (Critical Path Method). CPM is a schedule network analysis to identify schedule flexibility of a project.
- PERT facilitates identification of critical path.
- PERT is basically a tool for planning and control of time whereas CPM can control both time and costs.
- PERT is suitable for Research & Development (R&D) related projects and CPM is best suited for routine & those projects where time and cost estimates can be accurately calculated.
- PERT is used in Project Management & CPM for Production Management.
- PERT is very complex. It is expensive to develop, update and maintain.
- PERT is not ideal for smaller projects.