'Cooking's is much more than reading a recipe and to be a good cook, one needs some time to master the game. Here are some basic simple ways:-
- If you want to be a good cook, start in the market to pick up the best quality vegetables, fruits and fresh meats.
- It is better to the above yourself in stead of delegating to somebody else.
- To be aware of what the food looks like and / or what it smells like at every stage, stay away from electronic gadgets like TV, Mobiles, Internet etc. This will help improvise and come up with a new addition to the dish.
- To master yourself in cooking in the long-run, begin by practising a few basic food preparation like soups, omelette and rice-dal.
- While / after cooking for the first time, figure out what went wrong with the dish.
- You can repeat the recipe until you are satisfied with the result.
- You can start with basic utensils (instead of investing in extravagant vessels & cookbooks). You should expand your kitchen only once you are confident.
- Most important technique for becoming a good cook is, tasting the foods in various stages to know how it is coming along. Little tasting spoons are a must to try the dish which should be a part of your tool kit.
- Before start cooking, make sure that you have kept everything ready for cooking as you may miss out something while cooking.