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Saturday, 5 September 2015

Men in 20's & 30's. Solutions to Pimples.

One in four men has pimples in 20's or 30's. Here are some simple solutions for them :-

  • It is best to discontinue heavy-carbohydrate and sugar treats.

  • While shopping for skincare products ensure that the product does not contain pore-blocking ingredients (non-comodegenic) that exacerbate acne.

  • Sunscreens and moisturizers are usually quite comodegenic. Men should avoid anything with lanolin, mineral oil, fragrance and cocoa butter, and should not use product after product over the skin.

  • The most common reason for pimples is that it is caused by dirt. To overcome this, men should cleanse the face minimum twice a day by using a gentle formula content face wash ayurvedic products.

  • Extracting the pimples yourself will cause a whole bunch of other problems. It is always ideal to avoid it.