Putting an end to a short-term or
long-term relationship is painful. While many take time to get over a break-up, some move on quickly. Here are some tips to cope with it:-
- While it is fine to discuss your break-up with your close friends, it is a mistake to let the entire world know about it.
- Travel as far as you can and for as long as you can. Leave your dark cave of forgotten dreams and explore the world outside. Look for new stories and experiences.
- Talk to friends or acquiantances. Mend broken ties and renew worn-off relationships. This may be challenging, but will distract your mind off the stress.
- Better not to be in touch as 'we-can-always-be-good-friends'. Nobody can move on by being in touch with ex.
- Don't keep going over the actions and conversations that happened when you broke up. The idea is to forget and not to let it rule your life. Say 'Goodbye' to bad memories by creating new ones.
- Most prefer revenge which is not at all good or the right way. Join a book club, play new games, watch TV or movies.
- Do not send SMS like 'I miss you' at mid-night which is called 'drunk-texting' to ex. It is a two-steps-forward & one-step-back slide down the rabbit hole.
- As mourning will not help but a good work-out will, run or jog - break in to a sweat. Push yourself to go to a gym and be regular.
- For 335 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please visit here.