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Sunday, 29 November 2015

Rose Oil Health Benefits

Rose assumes supreme significance among the many floral varieties. The flower is an integral part of legands, myths and numerous undeniable health promoting properties. Hee are some health benefits of Rose Oil:-

  • Roose Oil boosts the functioning of the organ by protecting it from infections and excess flow of biles and acides.

  • It Roses are known for their ability to soothe skin irritations. It helps in reducing inflammation, acne and eczema. It also fades out scars and stretch marks quickly.

  • When combined with levender essential oil and applied to the skin, rose oil can be effective in decreasing the severity of menstrual cramps.

  • It helps in purifying the blood by helping in the removal and neutralisation of toxins.

  • Rose oil promotes blood circulation, takes care of heart and helps reduce blod pressure.

  • The astringent property of rose oil strengthens gums and hair roots, while toning skin and contracting muscles, intestines and blood vessels.

  • As a stimulant, it is an important component in aromatherapy to invoke positive thoughts and relax organs, muscles, skin and nerves.

  • Rose essential is an anti-depressant, as it efficiently drives away depression and anxiety.

  • Using rose essential oil in hot or cold compress can help in treating pain associated with swelling, sprains and cramps.

  • For 335 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please visit here.