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Monday, 14 December 2015

Flours - Types & Benefits

Different flours have different health benefits. Here are they:-

  • Rice Flour: For those with gluten intolerance, rice flour is good.

  • Millet-based Flours: These flours are gluten-free. For those who are allergic of gluten, this flour is good for them. Jowar & Bajra, which belong to millet family, lower the risk of heart diseases, cholesterol, cancer & aid digestion and also good for diabetics.

  • Soy Flour: This flour bursts with vitamins and minerals, and is also one of the best vegetarian sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. This is good both for women post menopause & for elderly women.

  • Quinoa Flour: This flour is a 100 per cent vegetarian reference protein and it is absorbed by the body. This flour can be prepared by mashing up the quinoa and using the powder for any dish.

  • Rajgira / Amarnath Flour: Made from amaranath plant is a tasty non-gluten option. It has high iron, calcium, protein and antioxidant levels. The nutrients are retained during the process of making atta, as it retains the hull.

  • Wheat-based Flours: It is culled from the semi-hard wheat varieties or durum that are easily available. Atta & Sooji are all high-fibre and are sources of both healthy carbs and fats. They reduce bad cholesterol, high BP and mitigate the risk of diabetes as well. However, all wheat-based flours have gluten. Those who are gluten allergic, should not take them.

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