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Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Food Habits for Good Skin & Hair

What you eat is what your skin and hair will be. Glowing skin and lustrous hair are not merely about facials and hair packs. Here are some good food habits you should follow to have a good skin and hair:-

  • Keep body warm as viruses attack immediately when the body temperature goes down.

  • Avoid day-time sleeping as it impairs digestion and slows down the metabolism.

  • Consume light and fresh foods prepared from barley, rice and wheat.

  • Include cow's ghee, lean meat like chicken, lentils, green gram, rice and wheat in daily diet.

  • Have a teaspoon of 'chywanparash' (an ayurvedic product) daily during the monsoons to improve immunity and prevent infections.

  • Consume vegetable soups instead of salads during monsoon time to make digestion easier.

  • Avoid curd, red meat and heavy foods like pulses and dal during monsoon as it hampers the metabolism.

  • If the day is cool, your diest should have elements that are sour, salty and oily.

  • Avoid drinking excess fluids and cold water as this further slows down the metabolism.

  • Drink boiled and cold water mixed with little honey daily morning to stimulate digestion.

  • Add spices like ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and pepper in your daily diet.

  • Eat light, warm and freshly cooked food. Avoid eating uncooked and roadside junk-foods.

  • For 350 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please visit here.