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Monday, 11 January 2016

Bedwetting - What? Why? Solutions

'Bedwetting' means an involuntary passage of urine at night. This is a very distressing condition and causes emotional problems and considerable psychological damage.

  • The prevalence of bed-wetting decreases with age. It is more in boys than in girls and also if there is a similar history among parents.

  • Possible causes may be, inadequate production of ADH which reduces urination at night, genetics, poor sleep hygiene, caffeine & bladder problems.

  • Symptoms : Suspected physical, mental or sexual abuse, neurological or urological problem or history of repeated urinary tract infections.

  • Some solutions : Adequate fluid intake according to physical activity and ambient temperature, avoiding caffeine-content drinks, normal and healthy diet & using the toilets at regular intervals.

  • For 390 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please visit here.