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Thursday, 29 September 2016

Dyslexia - What? Why? Impacts & Solutions

Many teenagers are suffering from 'Dyslexia' which is a type of specific learning disability. Here are what is it?, why is it?, its impacts & solutions:-

  • 'Dyslexia' is a Greek word meaning difficulty with words. Teens have normal intelligence. They have problems reading and writing and need different ways to learn. It is an impairment of decoding skills in reading.

  • Dyslexia is a hereditary component. It is a type of neuro-developmental disorder in which, language processing is disturbed. Therefore, both reading and writing is affected. It affects all languages.

  • Nearly 5-15% of children have specific learning disability. Of these 80% have been found to be dyslexic. Overall prevalence is 5%. Dyslexia is also 2-3 times more common among boys than girls.

  • 40 to 60% of dyslexics especially teens suffer from psychological effects of this disability like anxiety, depression and attention deficit. They also feel like outcasts and face rejection leading to poor self-confidence and self-esteem. Research indicates higher rate of suicides among teens having dyslexia.

  • A teen who has dyslexia tries to hide his / her reading and writing difficulties. Avoids reading and writing as much as possible. He / she avoids reading and writing as much as possible and relies more on verbal / memory skills rather than reading.

  • Since the teen cannot grow out of this problem, he / she may develop different compensatory strategies to learn and retain information.

  • Dealing with dyslexia can be tough. A detailed evaluation by a psychologist to confirm the diagnosis and also to assess associated problems is mandatory.

  • A dyslexic teen requires help from a special tutor trained in teaching awareness of speech sounds in words and letter sound correspondences (phonics).

  • Computer software for dyslexics also helps to read aloud. Assistance in the form of extra time during exams, help with books or tapes can be provided.

  • Emotional support is crucial as teens with this problem suffer from poor self-esteem and a feeling of worthlessness.

  • Many famous scientists like Marie Curie, Edison & Einstein had 'dyslexia' problem but set an example of how it is possible to succeed in the face of this challenging condition.

  • For 410 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Painkillers & Its' Health Hazards'

You often use common painkillers (without prescription) for years? Since painkillers are available over the counter (OTC) without prescriptions, many people tend to believe that they are completely safe and can be consumed at will.

From headaches to cramps and runner's knees, painkillers provide relief to a variety of daily aches. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) also reduce inflammation and fever and provide rather quick relief.

People with sinus infections, migraines, arthritis and associated joint pains, backaches or cramps, especially menstruating women, resort to painkillers as a quick means of relief. However, here are some health hazards of painkillers:-

  • Having a painkiller or two once in a while is absolutely fine. Even doctors prescribe NSAIDs to patients for short-term usage. However, persistent use over a long period of time will create health problems over a long period of time.

  • The OTC market is not well-regulated in India and a number of painkillers, stimulants or even anti-depressants are available freely in the market. Sometimes, patients become addicted to these pills.

  • Excessive, long-term use of painkillers and other pills is associated with increased risk of kidney and liver dysfunction, stomach ulcers, allergies, resistance to drugs as well as stroke and heart attacks.

  • According to a survey conducted over 8000 people during a period of 13 years, it has been found that common painkillers doubled the risk of atrial fibrillation or irregular heartbeat.

  • In people living with arthritis, this concern is overwhelming. Arthritis translates in to daily pain, often excruciating in joints and muscles.

  • Over years, arthritis patients tend to consume humongous amounts of painkillers, augmenting their risk of kidney failure, heart attack or stroke.

  • Medical practitioners must be extremely cautious and careful in prescribing common painkillers and stick to kidney and heart-safe drugs.

  • For 410 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Teenage Friendship - Pros & Cons

Friends occupy an important part of a teenager's life. Every teen shares a bond with the peer group because this is the group that is perhaps going through the same things. Here are some pros & cons of teenage friendship:-

  • Teen friendship are not always bad. They can be wonderful experience and sometimes blossom in to more meaningful and long lasting relationships in adult life.

  • If there is a healthy competition among peers, it can boost self-esteem.

  • Peers, sometimes, can be great guides in making career choices.

  • They help foster empathy and kindness if one can get involved in activities like volunteering.

  • They are invaluable in times of crisis for seeking help and advice.

  • In spite of above, during the teen years, one can yield to wrong peer pressure as there is a deire to experiment and indulge in thrill seeking and risk behavior.

  • Some of the ill-effects may include addictions to smoking, alcohol and ohter substance abuse.

  • Peers even sometimes can force to bully others, either physically or electronically. Gang violence, theft and other crimes are often a result of peer pressure.

  • Peers also threaten rejection or breaking a friendship.

  • To overcome the above negative peer pressure, teens should anticipate situations like being compelled to smoke or drink and think of a strategy well in advance.

  • Teen should also know how to make right choices. If you are invited to smoke or drink, think of a reason like pending works etc. instead of giving in.

  • Most important is the selection of your peer group. You should choose your group wisely. You should hang out with those who think similarly, have same moral values and who influence you in a positive way.

  • Sometimes it is good to be assertive and be courage to say 'No' firmly and quietly without resorting to violence.

  • For 410 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Hair Shampoos! How to Use Them?

Most people who use hair shampoos make grave mistakes. Here are some tips to use them effectively:-

  • Use the shampoo that is right for your hair type - dry, oily, brittle etc.

  • Avoid shampoo-cum-conditioners. It is not possible for one product to shampoo and condition your hair at the same time. Do not use the same shampoo every time you wash as this can lead to produce build-up.

  • Before you shampoo your hair, wet well the hair, otherwise it will not work properly and will dry out your hair.

  • Shampoos are meant for your roots than your ends. When you are in the shower, make sure you focus more on shampooing your roots and using a conditioner for your ends. Never start shampooing in the same part of your scalp every day as this can dry that spot out.

  • Shampoo every alternate day and not on daily basis. If you feel your hair is a gunky mess, use some dry shampoo to suck out all the grease from your hair.

  • Do not rinse shampoo out of your hair too soon. Lather it and leave it in for a couple of minutes and then wash it out.

  • If you like hot shower, make sure you rinse out your hair with cold water as this will help seal the hair. This will result in shiny and soft hair. Also hair loss can be prevented.

  • For 400 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Breast Cancer - Some Facts.

'Breast Cancer' i a cancer that forms in the cells of breasts. Here are some facts about 'Breast Cancer':-

  • Even men nowadas are also becoming increasing susceptible to breast cancer.

  • Breast cancer has a tendency to be more advanced in men than in women when first detected.

  • The risk of getting breast cancer increases in a man with growing age, high oestrogen levels, a strong family history of breast cancer or genetic alterations, lifestyle factors and having radiation therapy to the chest before the age of 30.

  • Women have become quite knowledgeable about their risks of breast cancer.

  • There may not be any proven way to completely prevent this disease, but there are definitely certain ways to cut down on the risk.

  • Incorporating changes in in lifestyle, regular breast cancer screening is another way, which although cannot prevent the disease from occurring, can help diagnose breast cancer early so that it is easier to treat.

  • There exists two kinds of surgery that can be performed to reduce the risk in a woman who has never been diagnosed with breast cancer, but is detected to be a very high risk of the disease.

  • The most common risk-reducing surgery is bilateral prophylactic mastectomy that may involve complete removal of both breasts, including the nipples, or may involve removal of as much breast tissue as possible while leaving the nipples in-tact.

  • The bilateral prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy surgery to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes in pre-menopausal women can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women who have very high risk of acquiring the disease.

  • Risk-reducing surgeries are not really considered an appropriate cancer prevention option for women who are not at the highest risk.

  • Intake of certain prescribed drugs work well. It may not be possible to completely eliminate the risks, but it is imperative to stay vigilant about breast cancer detection because those noticeable changes in your breast do call for your serious attention.

  • For 400 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Loan Defaulters' Rights

If you have defaulted on a loan, keep the following points in mind when you find yourself in such a situation:-

  • Financial Institutions have to follow certain processes and give you time to repay dues before repossessing your assets to realize the arrears. If the borrower's account is classified as a non-performing asset, where repayment is overdue by 90 days, the lender has to first issue a 60 day notice.

  • If the borrower fails to repay within the notice period, the bank can go ahead with sale of assets. However, to sell the assets, the bank still has to serve another 30 day notice with the details of the sale which will take place.

  • During notice period, defaulter can make representation to the bank officials and put forth any objections to the re-possesson notice. The bank is obliged to reply within seven days, giving valid reasons..

  • Before auctioning the assets, banks will have to issue another notice (to the loan-defaulter), specifying the fair value of the secured asset, as assessed by the bank's valuers, along with details like reserve price, date and time of auction.

  • If the asset is undervalued by the banks, then the loan-defaulter can look for prospective buyers on your own and introduce them to the lender if the defaulter thinks that the property can yield a better price (than quoted by the bank's valuers).

  • Banks are required to fund the balance amount after recovering the dues which is a real possibility given that property prices can shoot up beyond the owed amount, as balance money belongs to the defaulter.

  • Banks are obliged to follow certain best practices as part of their code of commitment to customers directly or through recovery agents.

  • Once you close your home-loan after repaying the amount outstanding or if it recovered by sale of your assets by banks, make sure you have got back all original documents, belonging to you.

  • For 400 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Monday, 26 September 2016

Love Addiction! Why? Some Facts.

Highly delighted by early days of 'love' affect the brain in the same drugs like cocaine or pain relievers do. Some people are (often) to addicted to love. Why? Here are some facts:-

  • Love addicts have a chronic and compulsive craving for romantic love to get a sense of security and self-worth. They move swiftly from relationship-to-relationship or stay in an emotionally (or physically) abusive relationship as they feel a need for it.

  • More people, under the age of 30, have the history of 6-7 relationships. The practice of rebounds is going up. There is no sorrow or a cool down period before jumping in to a new alliance.

  • The reason, most people keep changing the relationship, is when one relationship sinks as they do not feel any need to prove that there is nothing wrong with them. And they can find an alternate partner easily in this technology advanced world.

  • There are some who do not get hit by the emotional baggage of multiple relationships. People with low self-esteem, family history of abuses of neglect, coming from unhappy homes, or with bad experiences in a serious relationship are more likely to get caught in this love spiral.

  • Each time they get in to a new relationship with a new hope that this will work or this time will be different if they go back to same abusive partner.

  • Some basic reasons for getting addicted to love are : (a) You think, if someone loves you, you will be happy (b) Looking for a love as seen in any of your favorite movie (c) Ever not been in any relationship (d) You expect your lover to make you feel loved all the time & (e) You come to a conclusion in your head that someone is 'yours' .

  • For 400 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Minutes-walking Benefits

What happens to our body when we start walking? Most of us do not know the health benefits of minutes-walking. Here are they:-

  • 1 to 5 Minutes: From our first few steps, our heart rate revs-up from about 70 to 100 beats per minute (bpm), boosting blood-flow and warming muscles. As we get moving, body burns 5 calories per minute, compared with only 1 per minute at rest. Body needs more fuel and starts pulling from its carbohydrates and fat stores.

  • 6 to 10 Minutes: Heartbeat increases and you are burning up to 6 calories a minute as you pick up the pace. A slight rise in blood pressure is countered by the release of chemicals that expand blood vessels, bringing more blood and oxygen to working muscles.

  • 11 to 20 Minutes: Body temperature keep rising, and you start to perspire as blood vessels near the skin expand to release heat. As your walk becomes brisker, you will be burning up to 7 calories a minute and breathing harder. Hormones such as epinephrine and glycogen rise to release fuel to the muscles.

  • 21 to 45 Minutes: Feeling invigorated, you start to relax as your body releases tension. As more fat is burned, insulin (which helps store fat) drops-excellent news for anyone battling excess weight or diabetes.

  • 46 to 60 Minutes: Your muscles feel fatigued as carbohydrates stores are reduced. As you cool down, your heart rate decreases and your breathing slows. You will be burning fewer calories but more than you were before you started. Your calorie burn will remain elevated for up to 1 hour.

  • For 400 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.

Deadly Skin Sins - Reasons & Remedies

Skin is pretty much a reflection of your lifestyle. It ia all about how you eat, drink and live. Why your skin is suddenly looking dull, lifeless, tired of just old? Reasons & Solutions here-below:-

  • Dehydration: It could be the reason why you look older than you are and wrinkled. You need about 8-12 glasses of about 2-3 litres of water a day. It will help you slow down, or even reverse, the aging process.

  • Sleep Deprivation: If you are not sleeping enough, say at least for 8 hours, you may be aging ahead of your time. Sleep well to look beauty.

  • Smoking: Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant, and is also known as a free radical scavenger. Smoking depletes your body's quota of Vitamin C, and adds even more free radicals, fast-tracking the aging process. Add leafy greens and citrus fruits in your diet. Quitting smoking is the best solution to look young.

  • Foods High in Sugar & Fat: Oxidation, while occurring naturally outside the body, is harmful if it occurs inside your body. Certain things we eat and drink (like fried or sugar foods) are oxidants. Antioxidant foods (green teas, fresh fruits and vegetables) reverse the oxidation process.

  • Alcohol: It is the ultimate aging factor as it is high in sugar, causing oxidative stress, and dehydration. It strips your skin of nourishment.

  • Caffeine: Caffeine, found in teas, coffees & cola drinks often cause oxidative stress and are also dehydrating. They leave you more thirsty than when you started.

  • For 400 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.