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Thursday, 29 September 2016

Painkillers & Its' Health Hazards'

You often use common painkillers (without prescription) for years? Since painkillers are available over the counter (OTC) without prescriptions, many people tend to believe that they are completely safe and can be consumed at will.

From headaches to cramps and runner's knees, painkillers provide relief to a variety of daily aches. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) also reduce inflammation and fever and provide rather quick relief.

People with sinus infections, migraines, arthritis and associated joint pains, backaches or cramps, especially menstruating women, resort to painkillers as a quick means of relief. However, here are some health hazards of painkillers:-

  • Having a painkiller or two once in a while is absolutely fine. Even doctors prescribe NSAIDs to patients for short-term usage. However, persistent use over a long period of time will create health problems over a long period of time.

  • The OTC market is not well-regulated in India and a number of painkillers, stimulants or even anti-depressants are available freely in the market. Sometimes, patients become addicted to these pills.

  • Excessive, long-term use of painkillers and other pills is associated with increased risk of kidney and liver dysfunction, stomach ulcers, allergies, resistance to drugs as well as stroke and heart attacks.

  • According to a survey conducted over 8000 people during a period of 13 years, it has been found that common painkillers doubled the risk of atrial fibrillation or irregular heartbeat.

  • In people living with arthritis, this concern is overwhelming. Arthritis translates in to daily pain, often excruciating in joints and muscles.

  • Over years, arthritis patients tend to consume humongous amounts of painkillers, augmenting their risk of kidney failure, heart attack or stroke.

  • Medical practitioners must be extremely cautious and careful in prescribing common painkillers and stick to kidney and heart-safe drugs.

  • For 410 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.