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Monday, 26 September 2016

Deadly Skin Sins - Reasons & Remedies

Skin is pretty much a reflection of your lifestyle. It ia all about how you eat, drink and live. Why your skin is suddenly looking dull, lifeless, tired of just old? Reasons & Solutions here-below:-

  • Dehydration: It could be the reason why you look older than you are and wrinkled. You need about 8-12 glasses of about 2-3 litres of water a day. It will help you slow down, or even reverse, the aging process.

  • Sleep Deprivation: If you are not sleeping enough, say at least for 8 hours, you may be aging ahead of your time. Sleep well to look beauty.

  • Smoking: Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant, and is also known as a free radical scavenger. Smoking depletes your body's quota of Vitamin C, and adds even more free radicals, fast-tracking the aging process. Add leafy greens and citrus fruits in your diet. Quitting smoking is the best solution to look young.

  • Foods High in Sugar & Fat: Oxidation, while occurring naturally outside the body, is harmful if it occurs inside your body. Certain things we eat and drink (like fried or sugar foods) are oxidants. Antioxidant foods (green teas, fresh fruits and vegetables) reverse the oxidation process.

  • Alcohol: It is the ultimate aging factor as it is high in sugar, causing oxidative stress, and dehydration. It strips your skin of nourishment.

  • Caffeine: Caffeine, found in teas, coffees & cola drinks often cause oxidative stress and are also dehydrating. They leave you more thirsty than when you started.

  • For 400 more highly useful TIPS / TOPICS for all age groups, please Visit here.