e-Learning (electronic learning) simply means 'Instruction which is electronically delivered via Internet, Intranet or through CD and DVD'. General information about e-Learning:-
- e-Learning is delivered to end-user, using standard internet technologies.
- Learners can go through the program at their own pace, anytime & anywhere.
- eLearning is a proper way to gain education as it removes barriers in terms of time and geography.
- A number of other terms are also used to describe elearning like Online Learning, Virtual Learning, Network Learning, Computer Based Training (CBT), Internet Based Training (IBT) & Web-Based Training.
- Because of its digital nature, elearning is cost-effective as it reduces travel expenses and does not require classroom/instructor infrastructure. An inexpensive worldwide distribution.
- Learners interact with learning materials, their instructors and other learners from various locations and often at various times using network technologies.
- Learners can access an e-learning course anytime, anywhere at their own pace.
- e-Learning has, however, some disadvances like Bandwidth Limiations, Loss of human contact & Consumption of time in developing eLearning Program takes time.
- Not all courses can be delivered by computer. For example, Team Building issues need personal touch.