Most of us know Japanese women do not old or fat. They are able to maintain their health due to some of their following good eating habits.
- The Japanese diet is based fish, soy, rice, vegetables and fruit.
- The classic Japanese home-cooked meal is a piece of (a) Grilled fish, (b) A Bowl of Rice, (c)Vegetables (cooked in a liquid below the boiling point), (d) Soup containing high-protein food paste of soybeans, barely or rice and salt. (e) Sliced fruit & (f) A cup of hot green tea.
- They eat in smaller portions and serve them on a beautiful and small size tableware.
- Japanese never completely fill up plates and never serve big portion of any item.
- The Japanese eat medium portion of rice instead of bread with almost every home-cooked meal.
- Like lunch in India, In Japan, breakfast is the most important and often biggest meal of the day.
- Japanese women are crazy for chocolates, pastries, ice-cream, cookies and crackers but in smaller portions.
- Japanese women are both the world's longevity champions and the industrial world's obesity champions. They are not into diets.
- Japanese always have good and healthy relationship with food.