'Job,      Education,      Career,      Health,      Family,      Relationship,      Marriage,      Technology,      Students,      Professions,      Management,      Leadership,      Psychology,      Law,      Finance,      Investment,      Sex,      Body Language,      Communication,      Food,      Children,      Entertainment      &      More'.

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Film Direction - Requirements, Tips & Techniques

A film director is a person who directs the making of a film. Generally, a film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fullfillment of that vision.

He visualizes how a script can be brought to life and oversees the technical aspects of making a film. They tell cast and crew members in a production what to do and oversee the overall production process. These individuals must be able to manage large groups of people.

  • A film director should have strong verbal and written communication skills, leadership skills, creativity & management skills.

  • He also should be familiar with equipment used on a film set, such as recording equipment.

  • A Film Director can be successful by following some simple techniques.

  • First and foremost, Director a day before the shoot, should meet the subjects (actors / participants) to explain what is expected from them from the shoot. Here distributing the scripts / interview questions will be planned step.

  • Director should have an assistant specially to greet the actors / participants to answer basic questions and make them comfortable before shooting starts.

  • Before getting the camera rolled, Director should again clarify the roles to the subject.

  • A rehearsal will help your talent become more familiar with the material and more comfortable in front of the camera. When Director does rehearse, it's not a bad idea to roll tape. Some of the best takes may come when the talent is relaxed and not "on" for the official shoot.

  • It is better for the Director to ensure that subjects do not know that director is recording. And also, lights should be turned off during breaks.

  • Director should call each person by name and make sure you're genuinely friendly. This will help subjects feel more comfortable and at ease.

  • As tape is cheap, it may be to director's advantage to let subjects talk about a topic as much as they like in any order they like. The session may be edited later.

  • Many subjects are uncomfortable talking to a camera lens. Directors can make it easier for these people by having them speak to a person next to the camera instead of directly to the lens itself.

  • Director can get a subjects talking by asking a series of personal questions not related to the video shoot. After a few minutes of talking about a pet or home-town, subjects will feel more comfortable talking about more relevant subject matter.

  • Director should make sure that only fewer people are present at the shoot to help the subjects concentrate on their role and the topic at hand without distractions.

  • It is better not to let the subjects / participants act / perform continuously for several minutes and the Director should have the quality of being adaptable with each subject as the talents of subjects may vary from one to another.

Online Courses - Tips for Success

Thousands and lac of people join online courses nowadays. How to successfully complete the online course? Explained here the steps and techniques:-

  • Online students should use their first week days very wisely and should become familiar with using multimedia technology and the course tools.< /li>
  • Students should create a dedicated place for their studies and should make sure it is organized.

  • When learning at home, it’s often difficult to balance the load. Students should anticipate scheduling problems and come up with a solution that works for everyone.

  • Personalizing study time will make it more enjoyable and more productive.

  • Students should stay online and should know the deadlines.

  • It is important to build a relationship and ask for help when necessary. Learn how to communicate effectively with your instructor(s) and avoid the misunderstandings that can arise with electronic discussion.

  • If online course requires textbooks or other materials, students should buy them before class starts so that they won't fall behind on assignments.

  • Your instructor may never get to know you unless you take the initiative. Most courses include an area to introduce yourself to the class. If not, then you might consider introducing yourself to the instructor in an email.

  • Other students can help you study, answer your questions, and remind you of any upcoming deadlines. And sometimes, it's nice to just chat with someone who knows exactly what you're going through.

  • Each online course has its own structure. Students should click around and make sure they can access all of the necessary online class components.

  • Students should not expect online class professor to give regular reminders. As soon as students receive a syllabus, they should record all of the assignments, tests, essays, and projects on your personal calendar.

  • Students should set a regular time to study, and stick to it!

Underwriting - What & Why?

'Underwriting' is a process that financial companies use to assess your eligibility to receive their products.

  • Insurance companies gauge the risk of providing the Insured cover and price its products their products accordingly.

  • The first step by the Insurance company in underwriting process is that it asks the prospect (to be insured) to fill out a proposal form to know better about him / her.

    Proposal form is a legal document that seeks relevant information from you.

  • If the prospect intentionally hide / suppress the information, the Insurance company is well within the rights to refuse a claim.

  • The details like age, name, income, occupation, health etc. have different roles to play.

  • Age determines the premium to be paid. Older persons will have to pay more premium.

  • Income decides the level of insurance (sum assured) and affordability to remit premium on time.

  • Apart from Life Insurance Underwriting, Medical underwriting is also a crucial part of an insurance company to assess the risk.

  • The health insurance companies require complete health status to provide the prospect health cover.

  • Health Insurance Companies seek declaration about the insured's health, medical history of family, pre-existing ailments, if any or instances of hospitalization in the recent past.

  • Once the process of underwriting is over, the insurance company agrees to insure the applicant for insurance for a certain amount of sum at a certain premium.

Tips to Develop Your Personality?

Needless to mention, every person wants to become popular for which he needs to develop his personality. Following tips help anybody to not only develop personality and become popular among others.

These tips aim to help people achieve self-growth, real happiness and lasting success.

  • Not the physical appearance, the real beauty lies in good traits and characters of any person. As such, it is important to improve our mental outlook to develop our personality.< /li>
  • Listen more and speak less. During conversation, do not keep talking yourself too much.

  • Never laugh at people when they are in difficulty or in trouble. If you do, it will creat a bad impression about you and you will lose your popularity and personality.

  • Be creative in solving problems. And try your best not to let those problems or creativity spoil your relationship with others.

  • List out your bad habits and try to get rid of them gradually.

  • Keep others at ease and try to remove their inferiority complex by mentally supporting them.

  • Do not repeat the same statement often. Try to limit up to 2 times.

  • Do no expect gifts from others and / or a particular gift. Praise the gift whatever it be.

  • Listen to everyone politely even if their ideas are useless or not of your interest.

  • Always be careful of what you say about others as other will say the same thing about you at different times.

  • Have the habit of adjusting / adapting with others.

Monday, 30 December 2013

Cheque Truncation System - Ins & Outs

Truncation is the process of stopping the flow of a physical cheque from the bank where the cheque is issued to the bank where the money needs to be withdrawn. Some basic information about Cheque Truncation System (CTS):-

  • Under CTS, in stead of sending a physical cheque from the bank where it is issued, an electronic image of the cheque is sent for cheque clearance.

  • Cheque truncation obviates the need to move the cheque physically across branches.

  • Along the cheque image, banks also transmit details like data on the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) band, date of presentation and details of the bank where the account-holder has deposited the cheque.

  • The electronic movement of images of cheques speeds up the process of settlement and facilitates reduction in the clearing cycles as well. For the customers, there is no fear of loss of instruments in transit.

  • This process eliminates the cost of movement of physical cheques, reduces the scope of clearing-related frauds and removes reconciliation and logistics-related problems.

  • The bank where the customers deposit the cheque captures the data and images of the cheque using the capture system. It comprises of a scanner, core banking or other applications. The bank sends the data and the captured images signed and encrypted to the Central Processing location for onward transmission to the paying bank.

  • The bank where customers deposit the cheque and also the bank where the cheque gets en-cashed are provided with a gateway called Clearing House Interface (CHI).

  • The CHI enables them to connect and transmit data and images in a secure manner to the clearing house. It, in turn, then processes the data, arrives at the settlement figure and routes the images to the bank where money is withdrawn.

  • The entire essence of technology lies in the use of the cheque images instead of physical cheques for payment.

  • If you want to use this system, always use dark colored ink for writing your cheques and avoid any corrections in it.

  • Do not make any corrections / changes on the cheques. For changes in payee's name, amount in figures and words, use fresh cheques as over-written / corrected cheques will be dishonoured by banks.

Water Damage Prevention in Houses

Water is one of the greatest enemies of buildings, and if adequate precautions are not taken, it can seriously degrade the houses / buildings. Given below are the easy to follow tips to prevent your house / building from water damages:-

  • During construction, water-proofing treatment should be done without fail.

  • To facility air movement and to prevent odours, all rooms of the house / building should have cross ventilation and sunlight should be allowed to enter areas that are prone to dampness.

  • Areas with dipping water should be periodically mopped to avoid stains on the floor.

  • Walls that have constant contact with water should have cladding with glazed tiles or enamel paint. Shower curtains in the bathroom have to be wiped dry after taking bath since mouldy patches left on the plastic are difficult to clean.

  • Where natural ventilation is not possible in the rooms, air-conditions, air-purifiers, fans and humidifiers can help maintain optimum humidity.

  • Woodwork used for cabinets in wet areas should be raised above floor level if there is water. They should be coated with melamine layer or should be fabricated from water proof plywood with laminated surfaces.

  • The interiors of wardrobes which are dark and damp are often prone to silverfish and mould. These cause patches on internal walls, wood work and clothes. To overcome this problem, naphthalene and silica gel desiccant packets can be used.

  • Absorbent floor mats can be used to absorb water from rainy footwear and avoid muddy patches on clean tiles and carpets.

  • Also periodically check the hoses that lead to washing machines, dish-water and refrigerator every year for cracks and water leaks, and replace them if required.

  • Check the caulking around the showers, tubs and make sure that they are water- tight. If water supply pipe suddenly bursts, it is better to know in advance how to shut off the main water supply connection.

Benefits of eMail List Marketing

A mailing list is what enables organizations, businesses, or whoever owns that list to keep in touch with their members/customers and keep them engaged with whatever it is that they’re promoting. How it helps businesses & organisations & what are the benefits? Explained here:

  • Executing an email campaign is simple, all you need basically is a computer with Internet access, an email account, and the ability to put your message into writing. And you can do it practically anywhere—in your office, or at home.

  • Email eliminates the overhead costs such as the cost for printing, envelopes, postage, and the labor involved in getting the shipping labels on each printed piece.

  • Emails can be sent to any person with an email account regardless of where they are on the globe.

  • Email enables recipients to respond without switching to a different medium.

  • Various types of media like graphics, videos, music, games etc. can be used to capture the interest of your audience.

  • Email allows the senders to send custom-fitted messages enabling them to connect with their audience on a more personal level.

  • Senders can convey their messages at any time they deem necessary. And recipients can take action on your offer any time they want.

  • Senders can determine how many of their recipients have taken action on their offer. They can also identify who they are and when they did so, along with other useful information that they can use to develop/improve their future email marketing campaigns.

  • An email list makes it easier to reach only those who are interested in whatever business houses offer thus saving from bothering and annoying those who do not.

Tips to Buy New Car in India

Automobile Dealers / Manufacturers promise fabulous discounts for the customers who wish to buy car. However, you as a buyer should keep in mind the following factors:-

  • Never buy a car which you cannot afford for. Make sure that the price of the car should not be more than 60% of your annual income. And if you avail vehicle loan from banks, your EMI should not exceed 15% of your post-tax income after meeting all your expenses.

  • Before buying a new car, if you want to dispose your old car, make a market research to know how much maximum you can expect as most car dealers offer much lower than price.

  • Look closely in to the free offers as dealers tend to inflate the value of free accessories to make their deal more attractive. Go for cash discounts than free accessories.

  • If you want to get full return from the car, you should use your new car at least for 8 years. Automobile manufacturers, to clear their year-end inventories, usually offer big discounts. If you buy at year-end, in a few days, it will become an old model (last year) car. However, if you want to buy the car at discount at year end, you should be ready to use for at least 7-8 years.

  • Petrol is costlier car fuel than petrol cars. Diesel is inexpensive. Whether you want to go for Petrol or Diesel or CNG purely depends upon the usage per day.

    You have to keep in mind that Diesel cars are costlier than petrol cars and require higher maintenance. CNG is the cheapest fuel of all, but its availability is a big issue. Also, CNG cylinder will consume a lot of space in your vehicle.

  • You can also transfer your no-claim bonus from old car to new car. To get no-claim bonus, buyer will have to submit the copies of sale agreement, transfer documents, insurance note and the car's registration certificate along with a letter requesting the policy's termination, to the insurer. The latter issues a no-claim certificate, which will get the discount on the new car's insurance.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Preventing Your Spouse from Prono-Addiction

It is believed that pornography is a harmless practice that hurts no one. Sex between a married couple is one of the most effective ways to increase intimacy, build unity and generate love and happiness and is therefore a vital component of a healthy relationship.

Watching pronography leads to development of emotional and physical distance between the spouses. Here are some valuable suggestions to overcome this problem:-

  • First try to know watching pronos by your spouse is an addiction or a habit. If your spouse is a committed and loving partner who is concerned with your happiness, he or she is probably trapped in a pattern of behavior that seems impossible to break.

  • If your spouse is addicted to watching pronos, tell your spouse that you believe that he or she is addicted to pornography and discuss ways to overcome the addiction together. Reassure your spouse of your love and commit to provide help and support. Agree that all sexual experiences should be done together and used only to strengthen your marriage.

  • Think about the sources available to your spouse to watch the pronos. If you feel internet is the only source, block access with passwords which you only know. Permanently place the computer in a place in the house where people / family members are present. If need arises, you can cancel net connection. Also subscribe only for those TV channels which do not contain adult / pronoraphic programmes. You and your spouse both can spend a lot of time together by decreasing time being spent before TV & web.

  • To make your married-life stronger, be supportive and loving despite your partner’s moodiness. He or she may experience depression, increased anxiety or even anger. This will pass in time.

How to Prevent Your Children from TV Addiction?

Your children spend most of their time in front of a television or computer screen? Some children spend up to ten hours each day playing video and computer games.

That's a lot of screen time. The following tips will help you to exercise some control over what, how much and when your children participate in media so that you can protect them from the potential harm that it can do:-

  • Make sure you always know what they are watching and that it is appropriate for their age and level of maturity. Children need limits and look to you for guidance.

  • You might consider allowing them to make choices from a few select alternatives. As you set these limits, be sure to communicate your reasons and values. This will help them make wise choices when you are not immediately available to direct them.

  • If you can’t always sit and watch with your children, make sure to walk through the room where they are watching from time to time to monitor what is on the TV. When it comes to playing video games, it is better for children to play with other children. They can share interests, cooperate and gain interpersonal skills by interacting with others.

  • Meal times are good times for conversation and interaction among family members. As a parent, you have a captive audience and should use this opportunity to talk to your children about what is going on in their lives. Eat dinner together as a family as much as possible. Create family traditions surrounding dinner time that will make your children look forward to it each day.

1-Sentence Health Tips

You like to lead a simple and healthy life? Always follow the following simple tips:-

  • 'Every morning, walk at least 2 kilometres.
  • Do physical exercises or meditation daily at least for 20 minutes.
  • You should definitely have 'Breakfast'.
  • Try to have food / vegetables which have bitter taste.
  • Never sleep under the tree.
  • Make sure, adequate ventilation and air enter in to your house.
  • Avoid sleeping during day time.
  • Your sleep should not last beyond 8 hours / day.
  • Never smell the flowers after evening hours.
  • Do not sleep immediately after having food.
  • Make sure your inner-wears are not tight.
  • Have the habit of getting up early in the morning, preferably at 5 a.m.
  • Have at least one Amla (Gooseberry) after having your food.
  • Immediately getting up in the morning, drink at least 500 ml. of water.
  • Once in a week, put your Tooth Brush & Combs in hot water for at least 15 minutes and every two months, change your tooth brush.
  • Eat only when you feel hungry.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Medical Insurance Cash Policies

There are some health Insurance Policies that do not pick up the tab of hospitalisation. Insurance companies offer fixed payout when the insured gets hospitalised. These policies are known as 'Benefit Policies. When the Insured loses his earning capacity, such plans work as a source of income in case a serious hospitalisation incident occurs. This policy also works well as an add-on to a regular health insurance policy. Some more information about Hospital Insurance and Cash Policies:-

  • 'Critical Illness Policy' pays a fixed lump sum if the insured is diagonized with a defined critical illness.
  • A hospital cash policy is a popular choice, structured to offer daily cash to meet medical and non-medical expenses during insured's stay in the hospital.
  • A hospital cash policy gives you a daily allowance in case an accident or an illness leaves the insured hospitalised.
  • This policy features three things. (i) daily cash limit (ii) number of days covered & (iii) eligibility.
  • To be eligible for cash payout, insured should have been hospitalised at least 24 hours and some insurance companies even insist for 48 hours.
  • Insured should specifically ask for day care procedures in a hospital cash policy. Most policies increase the limit up to intensive care unit (ICU) hospitalisation.
  • A hospital cash policy can be bought as an add-on to a base policy. Most insurance companies offer hospital cash policies bundled with regular health insurance policies.
  • Hospital Cash Policies also come with initial waiting periods and waiting periods on pre-existing ailments. Insured should carefully read the exclusion clauses.
  • In spite of the above benefits, claim process is a bit of difficult for the insured to complete.Insured does not actually get daily allowances when hospitalised. Insured gets their claim only post-hospitalisation when medical records are produced to prove hospitalisation.

Career Options in Financial Services Industries

'Finance' function is common to all business enterprises in every industry like Financial Service Industry. There are career opportunities in various areas like Corporate Finance, Investment Banking, Commercial Banking, Forex Management, Money Management, Financial Planning, Stock Broking, Commodity Trading, Insurance & Real Estate':-

  • Corporate Finance: The job profile of Corporate Finance includes raising funds, growing the business, making acquisitions, planning for company's financial future, managing cash-in-hand and ensuring future economic viability.

  • Investment Banking: Investment banks help companies and governments issue securities, help in investors' purchase securities, manage financial assets, trade securities and provide financial advice.

  • Commercial Banking: Commercial banks serve large corporations, small businesses, as well as the general public. It continues to provide more career opportunities in finance than any other sector in the financial services industry.

  • Forex Management: Companies in India have been increasingly attracting foreign capital either through listing on international stock exchanges or through private equity placements.

    The forex treasury departments in banks offers a full range of products in forex, interest rates and commodities. Several financial companies look for financial professionals who understand the expressions of international finances, capital markets and risk management.

  • Insurance: With private participation in Insurance Sector, the number of employment opportunities has gone up. Employment avenues are also open in the corporate sector, stock broking firms, finance companies, shipping firms etc.

  • Commodity Trading: Commodities trading is a global phenomenon and offers tremendous potential to market participants for both profit taking on small price corrections as well as to hedgers looking at managing price risk on account of price fluctuations.

  • Stock Broking: Brokers or stock market professionals are now either playing host to foreign investment bankers, who are looking for opportunities on the Indian stock market or visiting fund managers abroad, seeking investment here.

    Stock market houses are redefining themselves and the business of stock broking is highly visible today.

  • Financial Planning: Financial planning helps people make advance provision for financial needs that may arise in the future. Courses like CFP (Chartered Financial Planner), MBA, CFA with or without Insurance specialisation would also provide a broad understanding of the various investment instruments and options, and their implications.

  • Money Management: Money managers purchase and carry corporate bonds, agency securities, asset backed securities and other fixed income investment products. Even some specialise in small stocks, large cap funds, fledging markets, and other equities.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Teas - Types, Benefits & Recipes

Other than normal tea, we have, there are various types of Teas and they have various health benefits:-

  • Green Tea: Green Tea is extremely high in antibacterial agents. It is good for clearing our skin, relieves sore throat and soothes our voice. It is rich in Vitamin C.
  • Recipe to Prepare Green Tea: Green Tea should be brewed with lower temperature water. The higher the tea quality the lower the temperature. The water should be poured over the leaves many times, at first for only 20-30 seconds then completely poured off.
  • Semi-fermented Tea or Oolong: This tea is good for throat problems. It has mild stimulating qualities and keeps one refreshed in warm climates. This tea also improves the complexion and are a good tonic for the skin.
  • Recipe to Prepare Green Tea: This tea should be brewed at 80-85 degrees Celsius and the water should be poured over the leaves number of times.
  • Cake Tea: This tea is one of the earliest forms of Chinese teas and is particularly good for digestion, when it comes to oily or greasy foods. This tea, a perfect after-dinner tea, is internally fermented as the brick of tea dries naturally without external heat. It should be kept away from other spices and foods with strong scents.
  • Recipe to Prepare Cake Tea: This tea should be brewed anywhere from 20-50 times. A generous amount of tea should be put in a small tea pot and water should be poured that is just below the boiling temperature, over the leaves. It should be brewed for shorter times at the beginning, and then longer as the number of brews increases, until no colour or flavour comes off the leaves.
  • Black or Orange Tea: This tea is brewed with medium boiling water. It is ideal not to leave hot water sitting on the leaves.
  • Recipe for Black / Orange Tea: It should be brewed for 4-5 minutes and then all the water should be poured. This tea has cooling qualities and is best for hot weather. It is used to control thirst, treats all types of fever and helps in improving mind-clarity.
  • White Tea: This tea is a least processed form of tea. It has the highest antioxidant levels. White tea thins the blood and improves artery function. It lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol.
  • Recipe for White Tea: As the water used to prepare this tea is important, water at room temperature or lukewarm water should be used. This tea requires more leaves than any other tea.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Women! Shaving & Waxing - Pros & Cons.

Most women nowadays are confused about which one (shaving or waxing) they should go for. Selecting shaving or waxing depends upon skin type, hair texture and hair growth. Women having sensitive skin should use a razor as waxing may worsen the rashes. For normal skin, waxing would be ideal.

After using a razor, skin should be moisturised. Also, only disposable razor should be used. A razor should never be used more than twice. Here are some pros & cons of using 'Shaving' & 'Waxing':-

  • Waxing - Pros: As wax is herbal, it is a natural way to remove unwanted hair. To make sure that skin stays healthy and waxing does not irritate skin, ingredients like chocolate and fruits can be added.
  • 'Waxing' removes hair from the roots, as such, results in hair-free skin for weeks. It leaves skin soft and lasts longer than 'Shaving'. 'Waxing' method eventually reduces the hair growth.
  • Waxing - Cons: 'Waxing' is a painful process and the skin may lose its elasticity by repeated 'Waxing'. Skin might develop rashes, redness and boils as some women's skin is sensitive. After 'Waxing', a cooling pad or ice should be applied to soothe it. If women visit salon for waxing, they should make sure that salon uses disposable strips. 
  • 'Waxing' won't help, if the skin growth is too fine. It is better to wait till full-grown hair. 'Waxing' is not only a time-consuming process but also the women, going for 'Waxing' in a Salon, should keep in mind the hygiene factor. They should make sure that Salon removes hair with use-and-throw wax strips.
  • Shaving - Pros: Women can do 'Shaving' themselves and do not need to go to Salon. 'Shaving' process is not only quick but also pain-free.
  • As using razor is a traditional method, electronic shavers can be used.
  • It is economically cheaper and is not a time-consuming process.
  • Shaving - Cons: Compared to 'Waxing', 'Shaving' is a temporary solution. Hair grows under the skin's surface and leave a dark mark on the outside.
  • 'Shaving' can irritate the skin and leaves it dry and itchy. 'Shaving' also leads to darker-looking and thicker hair growth. The hair will become thick and rough and skin also will become rough and patchy.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Why Some People Lie? Psychology of Lying.

Lying, deception, and unethical behaviour are part of human life. People often engage in such behaviour and are unaware of the societal consequences such behaviour may hold.

The act of lying, the factors that influence it, the brain activity subsequent to it, and how to detect a lie accurately, is rapidly becoming a major field of research in the scientific community.

  • Trying to figure out when people engage in lying, what pushes them to lie, and what makes them lie less is thus of great importance.

  • Most people lie to gain access to tangible or intangible benefits. Once they manage to get the opportunity, it acts as a positive reinforcement strengthening their beliefs about the act of lying or deceit.

  • Even some people are apt to try deceit at the workplace too by taking credit for work they are not entitled to and use unfair means to climb up the professional ladder.

  • Some people start with small lies and then it becomes a series of lies which leave them with an illusion of who they are.

  • People with low self-esteem and trust deficits are prone to lie as they try to fill the gap between the 'real self and the 'ideal self'.

  • People with personality disorders could lie in order to manipulate and deceive others without much hesitation as the act of lying gives them a sense of control and power. They do not require any specific reason to lie.

  • They are instances of school-children lying to school teachers and parents. Parents got surprised and could not believe that their children are capable of such manipulation.

  • Deception (a trick or scheme used to get what one wants), has become a social behaviour in which a person persuades another person(s) to accept as true though the person deceiving knows it is not.

  • People's tendency to lie is more, when forced to react quickly to any situation. But if they get time to think, they lie less.

  • People's automatic behaviour is to serve self-interest by lying, and with time they can reflect on what society will deem reasonable and appropriate behaviour.

Tips to Avoid Mistakes in Income Tax Return

Every year, thousands of taxpayers are issued notices after discrepancies were found in their tax returns or their TDS details. There has been an increase of defaults in paying the tax or filing the IT Returns. If you are a taxpayer in India, how can you avoid IT notices? Explained below:

  • It is obligatory on the part of taxpayers while making investment or taking up a job to submit PAN No. Failure to provide PAN No. and / or providing wrong PAN No. will attract higher TDS and penalty. If wrong PAN No. is provided, the tax refund can even be credited to another account.

  • Before filing IT Returns, taxpayers should ensure that all the investments with TDS have been mentioned in the tax return. Taxpayers should can get the details of tax paid during the financial year from Form 26AS which can be accessed online. Net banking customers can also get this facility from their banks.

  • Taxpayers should make sure that there is no mismatch between their incomes and expenses & investments. Merchants, Financial service companies and registration authorities should report their transactions to Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). The Income Tax Department, with the help of Computer Assisted Scrutiny System (CASS), gets all the information and co-relate with Taxpayers' PAN details.

  • It is mandatory for every individual to file tax returns if gross taxable income before deductions is over and above taxable income ceiling. Failure to file the Return will attract a penalty of up to 300% of the outstanding tax amount. If the gross income before various deductions is more than the basic exemption limit and no tax liability lies, taxpayers should should promptly file the return.

  • Returns should be filed by due date to avoid penalty. However, taxpayers can file their IT return till the end of the assessment year.

  • Ignoring income from previous employers/companies is another mistake committed by the taxpayers. Taxpayers can get the details of Tax Deducted at Source on their income from previous employer in Form 26AS. Default in disclosing the same will attract panalty as IT department will be able to get the same from Computer Assisted Scrutiny System (CASS).

  • If the taxpayers earn interest (from Banks deposits) over the amount prescribed by Income Tax Authorities, the bank deducts TDS for the same. If the taxpayers are not liable to pay tax, they can avoid TDS by submitting Form 15G or 15H.

  • Taxpayers should clearly declare in the IT return, the interests earned from Bonds, FDs, RDs, PPF, Bank Savings & Post Office Saving accounts. Taxpayers will get total or partial exemption for the interest earned from them.

  • If taxpayers get Notice from IT department, they should not ignore the same. All clarifications/queries in the notices should be promptly replied to avoid severe penalty.

Friday, 13 December 2013

'Will' - Features & Contents It Should Have

Preparing & revoking a Will is much easier but proper procedure should be adhered. Here are some important information about a Will and its features & contents it should have:

  • A will or testament is a legal declaration by which a person, the testator, names one or more persons to manage his or her estate and provides for the distribution of his property at death.

  • It is not necessary to use any technical words in a Will. Only the intention should be clear. It is ideal to get the Will registered, though not compulsory.

  • A 'Will' should be attested by at least two witnesses.

  • There are two types of Wills. Most executed Wills are unprivileged Wills. Privileged Wills are executed by Soldiers, Airmen and Mariner in certain circumstances.

  • Testator (person making the Will for his beneficiaries), passes on the property to the persons he desires.

  • A Testator who makes Will or the persons (called beneficiaries,) who are named in the will to inherit the property / cash / valuables / movable / immovable properties etc., should know the validity & revocation (official cancellation) of any Will.

  • A 'Will' can also be revoked / cancelled without making a fresh Will, but the cancellation should be in writing. Even revocation / cancellation of any Will requires signature of the testator (person who made the Will) and attested by at least two persons as witnesses for the Will.

  • A subsequent Will can also be made by cancelling / revoking the earlier one and it should be specifically mentioned in the subsequent Will to make it (Subsequent Will) valid & earlier Will 'void'.

  • To ensure that the true intention of the testator is implemented, it should be done as per the provisions of Indian Succession Act, 1952.

  • It is advisable for the Testator to consider the contents of the Will regularly just to make sure that it reflects testator's wishes.

  • Though not necessary, it is advisable to get opinion of a legal counsellor to make sure that the Will prepared reflects what exactly the Testator wants to be implemented after his death.

  • Testator should be clear in mind what should be included in his Will and the property should be distributed in what proportion? How much money, property and possessions the Testator has? Be they Savings, Movable/Immovable Property, Occupation/Personal Pensions, Insurance Policies, Bank Account Money, Shares etc.

  • Most Important: Most important clause a Will should have is the details of Executor(s) (who might be Testator's family member, relative or a trustworthy friend). Executor(s) is / are those who will be responsible for carrying out Testator's wishes as mentioned in the Will after Testator's death.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Credit Score Secrets

Most of us, who avail loans from Banks / Financial Institutions do not know that 90% of new loans are sanctioned on the basis of credit score of 700 & higher. The Score is derived from your credit history and ranges from 300 to 900 points. Your credit score tells the lender how likely you are to pay back loan or credit card dues based on your past repayment behaviour. The higher your score, the more the chance of your loan application getting approved. How to maintain your Credit Score and keep it always on higher side? Explained Here:

  • Ensure all your EMIs are remitted on time. Set reminders to know when they are due. If you have missed an EMI on any loan in the past couple of years, your score takes a hit.

  • Even paying Credit Card bills after the due date can have a negative impact. Lenders perceive this as a sign that you are unable to meet your existing financial obligations. To know the credit-worthiness of persons seeking loans, banks exchange information about account-holder's repayments.

  • If you are a compulsive credit card user and run up a huge bill every month, it could impact your credit score. Using too much of credit card limit is seen as a red flag and could pull down your credit score. You should pay credit card bills by due date. If you face financial crunch, pay at least minimum of 5% and never overuse your Credit Card limit.

  • Secured loans such as home loan, auto loan will help build up your credit score. But too much of unsecured loans like personal loan, travel and credit card loans are most expensive forms of credit. Repaying unsecured loans as early as possible will be ideal.
  • Never apply for loans just because credit score is available. Also keep in mind compulsive borrowing is not good for credit score. Credit hungry behaviour indicates that your debt burden is likely to increase in the near term which could impede your repayment capability.

  • More Important Tips : (a) Give ECS request for all your loan repayments to your bank. (b) Set reminders to ensure sufficient balance is available in your account when EMIs are due. (c) Regularly monitor your Credit Score just to know where you stand. (d) If you come across any discrepancy in updating your account by the lending banks, inform the credit bureau for rectification.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Honeymoon Destinations in India

For newly married couples, honeymoon destinations are special to celebrate the memorable occasion of beginning a new life together. The beautiful beaches in India are perfect for couples who love the sand, sun and the sea. Here are some important honeymoon destinations for newly married couples in India:-

  • Kerala: Places newly married couples can visit here are (a) Kovalam (b) Trivandrum (3) Kanyakumari (4) Alleppey Beach & (5) Poovar. Kerala, known as 'God's Own Country' is truly a paradise on earch as the place has everything from eaches, hills to backwaters. Kovalam has facilities for sea bathing with three adjacent crescent beaches. In Kanyakumari, couples can enjoy the breathtaking view of sunrise, sunset and Vivekananta Memorial. Poovar is the perfect destination where lake, river and sea beach meet the land. Aleppy, also known as 'Venice of the East', offers a relaxing experience of backwater and luxurious houseboat.

  • Goa: Goa has picturesque beaches with lush greenery of swaying coconut palms. There are churches, forts, old colonial heritage Portuguese buildings to see. Couples can spend their romantic time in Bogmalo, Varca beaches & luxurious hotels. No doubt, Goa is synonymous with romance, the palm fringed beaches is a perfect combination for the honeymoon.

  • Andaman & Nicobar Islands: It has pristine beaches, blue water and exotic marine life and a hub for water sports. At most places, couples can enjoy scuba diving, snorkelling, kayaking etc. Other interesting places are Cellular Jail, Mahatama Gandhi Marine National Park, Water Sports Complex, Fisheries Museum etc. Couples here can also enjoy candle lit dinner. In beaches, they can enjoy the sound of waves and cool breeze.

  • Lakshadweep Islands: Lakshadweep in the Arabian seas is a popular as honeymoon destination. The Amindivi Group Islands and Laccadive Group Islands make for a great submarine world where fishing, yachting, diving and snorkeling are fun. The beautiful marine life make this island most preferred romantic gateway.

  • Pondicherry: Pondicherry, having French Colonial heritage, is famous for Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Natural & romantic surroundings will surely make the newly married couples' honeymoon captivating and memorable for ever.

How to Prevent Diabetes?

'Diabetes' is a condition where the amount of glucose in your blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. This is because pancreas does not produce any insulin, or not enough insulin, to help glucose enter your body’s cells – or the insulin that is produced does not work properly (known as insulin resistance). What are the causes for Diabetes and how to overcome it? Explained here:

  • Overweight is the biggest risk factor for developing diabetes. Everybody should make sure that they always stay with ideal body weight.

  • The risk of developing diabetes increases if the waist circumference is more than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men.

  • As there are too many empty calories in alcohol, it is advisable for women to limit their alcohol (not wine) intake to one drink a day and men to two.

  • Low consumption of saturated fat sources like butter, red meat, cream, cheese & palm/ coconut oil will help in fighting diabetes as these fats increase the risk of diabetes substantially. Also everybody should avoid fried foods to keep trans fats away.

  • Having apples, kiwi and avocado fruit on daily basis help keep diabetes away too.

  • Beans / Barely are rich in soluble fibre which help in blood glucose control.

  • Always having small quantity of foods will prevent everybody from suffering from diabetes.

  • While whole eggs can be included in the diet, humble egg white is a true diabetes- prevention star. It helps keep blood sugar levels in check effectively.

  • Vitamin C content fruits like oranges, strawberries, amla, lime and brocoli helps in preventing diabetes.

  • Eating too much protein, especially animal proteins, may cause insulin resistance which is a key factor in diabetes. A balanced diet and lots of fibre is the key.

  • Regular exercise / Yoga can help lose weight and it also improves the ability of the muscles to use insulin and absorb glucose.

  • Salmon fish (for non-vegetarians) & flaxseed (for vegetarians) which contain omega 3 puts anybody at a lower risk of developing diabetes . They act both as heart-saving foods as well as diabetes-preventive.

  • Excess sugar, contained in soda, energy and sports drinks, processed foods like muffins, cereal, candy and granola bars etc. put anybody in high diabetes risk. Quitting excess sugar will help.

  • Olives are good source of Mufa. It controls blood sugar, reduces insulin and fights diabetes.

  • A small quantity of cinnamon can keep the blood sugar in control. Cinnamon power can be sprinkled over apple slices with a few walnuts as snacks will help prevent diabetes. Even pumpkin seeds sprinkled on cereal and / or roasted ones will provide protection against diabetes.

  • The Jamun & its seed are rich in combolian glucoside which prevents the breakdown of starch and carbohydrates in to sugar. Also, wall-nuts are high in the good fat alpha-linolenic acid and this makes them an effective diabetes-protective food.

Vaastu Shastra - Ins & Outs

'Vaastu Shastra' is a science of environment, energy and harmony, effectively used for new constructions and projects. How Vaastu is followed and what are their benefits? Explained here:

  • Auspicious dates bring out better results for any projects / constructions to begin. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday are good days to start construction works.

  • Before any construction activity is to be started, clearing of the land of plants / dead trees and rocks is necessary. Proper levelling with certain portion of the land a big higher than the other creates a very good flow of cosmic energy.

  • 'Shanku Sthapana' (Vastu Pooja) is a Pooja done for laying the foundation stone to remove negative radiation / energy from the piece of land that avoid any harm to construction activities.

  • As per Vaastu, construction started from South-East portion and moved in a clockwise manner will ensure smooth construction activities.

  • It is believed under Vaastu that sitting arrangements in temporary site office should be at right directions to get better outputs from the staff working for the projects. Site office should ideally be in the South or in the West and the staff should sit facing North.

  • Placing Machinery / Construction Material also play an important role in generating positive energy. They should never be placed in the South-West.

  • The location of staircase should be in the West or North and North-East should be avoided.

  • Study room should ideally be in North or East or North-West.

  • Pooja room should be in the North-east corner. It should be built in such a manner that idols could be placed in the East or West, but not towards North or South. It is also important to note that the Pooja Room should not have any door to enter.

  • Kitchen should be located in South-east corner of the house or the flat. Kitchen platform table should in the South-east corner. Kitchen entrance should be from North-east or West. The Refridgerator should be placed in the South, South-east, West or North of kitchen. Black and White colors should be used for the kitchen.

  • Dining Room / place should be in front of the main entrance door of the house.

  • Though toilet should be outside the house, it is not possible nowadays to build toilet outside, specially in apartments / flats. However, (a) the floor of the toilet should not be below the floor level. (b) its door should also be kept closed. (c) as toilet and bathroom have negative energy, it should be separate. (d) mirrors in the toilet should not face the door directly.