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Monday, 24 October 2011

Overcoming Shyness

Everyone feels shy sometimes, but being too shy can hamper many aspects of your life. How to overcome shyness?:-
  • Determine why you are shy? Are you afraid of what someone might say about your physical appearance? There is an underlying reason for who you react in situations.
  • Act as if you are not shy. Behave as if you are expressing confidence. Stand up straight and speak confidently.
  • Practice making eye contact and smiling when you interact with others.
  • Have casual conversations with strangers about the weather or current events or sports.
  • Look good and limit opportunities for being self-critical.
  • Decrease your fear of rejection by imagining the worst possible outcome.
  • Watching friends or even strangers who are not shy is a good way to learn some tips from them.
  • Develop a positive feeling about yourself. Do not get frustrated.
  • Keep in mind that your goal is to meet people who will like you for who you are.