'Delegation' means entrusting a task to subordinates by superiors to complete. It is an essential management skill. 'Delegation' is difficult and most superiors experience a loss of control and or a fear that the subordinates they are delegating to are not really capable of doing the task well. Following steps can improve the prospects for success in delegation:-
- As a superior, decide what tasks to delegate and, equally importantly, what no to. Routine jobs can usually be passed on with little difficulty.
- It is better not to delegate unpopular, boring and, monotonous tasks often.
- Delegate subordinates who have right skill set, and who is not already overloaded. Delegate to those who is likely to stay around long enough for the organisation and like to gain experience.
- Always keep informed the subordinates about the changes in performing the tasks, get their commitment. Let them know about the changes in role and why.
- While delegating responsibility, give also authority to subordinates by following 'free-rein' leadership style to complete the task by making independent decisions.
- Follow-up with the subordinates and frequent review will make sure that tasks assigned are being completed satisfactorily.
- Reward appropriately for a successful delegation.
- Have two-way communication and keep the subordinates/team members about the successful completion of the tasks to reinforce the value of taking on additional responsiblities, personal development and the opportunities for career progression