Perfectly blended make-up with the overall look of the bride is most important thing as bridal make-up has to be perfect.
- For the flawless look, it is ideal to use as little make-up as possible and most important is to focus on eyes of the bridal.
- As bridals in India wear a lot of jewelry, they should avoid choosing very bright or light colors for make-up.
- For blush and lip colors, it is better to stick to red or peach tints.
- Cream-based eye-shadow with powder stays for long hours as compared to only cream. For shading, gold and brown will be more suitable than darker shades.
- Skin color of bridal plays an important role in make-up techniques. Below the eye- brow, highlighter should be applied and it should blend well with eye-shadow.
- For darkening / thickening the eyelashes, waterproof cosmetics should be used for bridal make-up.
- Curler should be chosen according to mascara. A different curler should be used as compared to volumizing mascara. When comes to highlighters, shimmer and glitters, golden color should be used.
- Eye-lashes should be of good quality to avoid discomfort on the day of wedding.
- It is better to do a smoky eye with a brown shade rather than black ot look more natural. For the day, colors for eye make-up can be of baby pink, apricot, gold or bronze and for night, colors like dark pink, maroon, dark brown with gold or rust or even flourescent can be used.
- Eye make-up should always blend with skin complexion, overal make-up and outfit of the function. And the bride should feel confident throughout the wedding day.