- According to a British Study, men who have sex two or more times in a week are less likely to have fatal heart attack.
- Sex boosts better self-esteem. Those who already have self-esteem will feel better after having sex.
- Having sex boosts the levels of love, trust and deeper intimacy between the partners.
- Men who have 20 or more ejaculations in a month are less likely to be affected by prostate cancer.
- For both the partners, sex leads to better sleep and sometimes even cures headaches.
- Those who live together and have sex often have their stress and blood pressure under control.
- Sex also boosts immunity and protects those involved in sex once or twice a week from colds and infections.
- Sex, which is considered as a great mode of exercise, burns 85 calories, do the partners have 30 minutes of sex at a time.
- Partners will feel more confident & have better positive attitude if they involve in sex often.
- Sex not only provides enhanced blood flow to the body, but also to the brain.