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Monday 12 March 2012

Overcoming Communication Barriers

'Communication is an exchange of ideas, facts and opinions. Common mistake most of us do is that we focus on the delivery of our information rather than how it is received by the others. How to overcome communication barriers?
  • Communication is an inter-personal process. Its development is based on mutual respects, trust and confidence.
  • Keep yourself in other man's place before conveying your message.
  • Choose right method of communication and right words for maximum output/impact.
  • Irrespective of your communication's receiver's background, always use simple language.
  • Language (Semantic) barrier can be overcome by using most specific and accurate word your audience will understand.
  • Communication overflow is one of the big barriers while communicating with others.
  • Make sure, your communication is short, simple and easy to understand.
  • To convey your message effectively, timing is more important. Know when to covey your message and at which place?
  • Make effective and correct use of body language while communicating. Your Body Language (How you stand, Use of Arms, Hands & Legs, Body Posture & Facial Expressions) play important roles in conveying your message effectively.
  • Apply right body language and tone of voice to suit your verbal communication.
  • Avoid too many intermediaries in receiving information, at the same time, try to keep more than one communication channel.
  • Repeat your message, if your audience could not understand your message or ask to repeat as receiver of the communication.
  • As receiver of the communication, good and active listening is important. Be attentive and listen carefully.
  • Get feedback to ensure that messages conveyed by you have been understand to have mutual understanding.
  • You can get feedback by asking simple questions like How you feel about my Statement? What is your opinion about my suggestion? What do you think about this?