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Thursday 15 September 2011

Getting Good Night Sleep

If you encounter sleeplessness in the form of onset or remain asleep for a length of time or both, you may be able to treat yourself with one or more of these remedies:-
  • Avoid 'Nicotine', 'Caffine', and 'Alcohol
    Nicotine is a powerful stimulant and also addicting. It carries harmful tars and other impurities linked to lung cancer and other life-threatening diseases. If you cannot quit, at least try to avoid smoking within a few hours of bedtime.

    Caffine is present in coffee, cola, chocolate, tea, aspirin and lot of other less obvious sources. It remains in your system for four hours after you ingest it so that after-dinner coffee at eight may be hurting your sleep at midnight.

    Alchohol is a powerful depressant and it blocks your descent in to deep and restful sleep though alchohol is certainly not a stimulant.
  • Take sleeping pills for short term or not at all
    Do not rely on sleeping pills for long term as these drungs have serious drawbacks.

  • Keep regular meal times
    Try to have the food at approximately the same times each day, and avoid eating too close to bedtime. Digestion is a very active process and may interfere with your attempts to relax and fall asleep. Regular habits will benefit healthy sleep.

  • Stick to regular bed and rising times
    If you tend to follow one schedule during the work week but depart from it drastically for week-ends, you may well have trouble falling asleep Sunday night and even more trouble dragging yourself out of bed Monday Morning. A regular sleep schedule - getting up and going to bed at approximately same time each day - will help combat abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep.

  • Exercise regularly
    Exercising on a regular schedule and not within three or four hours of bedtime is best for most of us.

  • Don't worry about it
    If you cannot sleep, examine your life for unusual sources of stress that may be causing problem. If a specific problem or challenge is stealing your sleep, try the techniques try the techniques to diffuse your anxiety.

    If grief is causing your stress, know that both grief and stress will decrease or end with time, and with them your sleeplessness. Again, your reaction is perfectly natural.